Riding & Guided Tours

Camp Carmangay's horses are free range, as in they do no stay locked up in the stable and are allowed to roam from one end of the property to another. Our horses are treating with the upmost respect and are picked to ensure they are calm and loving horses.

"Horses and wide open spaces". The freedom to gallop across the diverse prairie where you can discover yourself at your own pace in the richness of a land inspired by its natural state and magnificence. Let your spirit come alive. The river, the landscape, the breeze, all of it fills your spirit. Gallop to the river crossing and the sundial or to the many ancient areas of the lands. Take in the culture and the history of the lands that appear while riding that illustrate strong cultural relationship with the earth and the wind that moves things.

Take a guided tour along the river valley and learn indigenous history and possibly see ancient artifacts. Learn the basics and ride a horse in the barnyard. It’s important to wear proper footgear, long pants and bring your own helmet. (there are only a few for use) Dress for the weather.

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